11 Unproductive Habits You Want to Quit

When you want to become successful or productive, look at how you become the opposite. Turn things upside down. That’s what we’ve done… By simply avoiding these unproductive habits, you’ll automatically become more productive.

Pocket.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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These Navy SEAL tricks will help you perform better under pressure

The Navy SEALs use two breathing techniques that force the body into a more relaxed state when they’re in a high-pressure situation, and anyone can use them to control stress, says Everatt.  “Tactical breathing” is a technique to use when you feel yourself having a fight-or-flight response.

Fastcompany.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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The Best Ideas Are the Ones That Make the Least Sense

Imagine that you are sitting in the boardroom of a major global drinks company, charged with producing a new product that will rival the position of Coca-Cola as the world’s second-most-popular cold nonalcoholic drink. How would you respond? … I’m fairly sure nobody would say is this: “Hey, let’s try marketing a really expensive drink that comes in a tiny can…and tastes kind of disgusting.” Yet that is exactly what one company did.  …  That drink was Red Bull.

Entrepreneur.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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The making of Amazon Prime the most successful membership program

Amazon wasn’t always the king of online shopping. In the fall of 2004, Jeff Bezos’s company was still mostly selling just books and DVDs.

That same year, Amazon was under siege from multiple sides. Some of its biggest competitors were brick-and-mortar chains like Best Buy, which was still in expansion mode at the time, with sales growing 17 percent annually. Toys ‘R’ Us sued Amazon in a high-profile battle, alleging it had violated an agreement the two companies had for the toy store chain to be an exclusive seller on Amazon.com.

Vox.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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Walmart and Google forge alliance to battle Amazon

Google and Walmart have joined forces on voice-based shopping. The news comes on the heels of aggressive price cuts at Amazon-owned Whole Foods.

It’s not the first time Walmart has partnered with Google…. But now, with Amazon taking square aim at Walmart and other grocery chains in its bid to become a one-stop shop for all human consumption, voice-based shopping has become a matter of survival for brands like Amazon.

ZDnet.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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The Top 10 Lies We Believe About Our Influence

Avoiding These 10 Lies and Focusing on Real Influence

You might not be as influential as you think. Misconceptions about influence keep us from continued success. Anyone at any level, with any title, can influence others to act willingly upon what we have to say, but only if they are willing to do the work. Influence is a learned skill requiring self-awareness, feedback and ongoing practice. But why?

Thriveglobal.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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A prisoner in my own company

In the first few years after founding AP Logic, I went from being a dreamer and a creative person who was proactive to being someone who was drowning in a box of requirements and “to-dos”. … I started to hate it. I slowed down. I focused on tasks even though I was bad at them.  How could I be trapped in my own business?

Jim Ratichek, LinkedIn.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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The Importance of Working With “A”Players

We operate in a world where it’s nearly impossible to accomplish anything great as an individual.  When you think about it, you’re the product of an education system, a healthcare system, luck, roads, the internet and so much more. You may be smart but you’re not self-made. And at work, most important achievements require a team of people working together.

The leader’s job is to get the team right. Getting the team right means that people are better as a group than as individuals. Now this is important.  Step back and think about that for a second — the right teams make every individual better than they would be on their own.

Farnamstreet.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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The Age of Small Brands Eating Big Brands Is Here!

When the Internet started to become more popular and the Ecommerce boom happened, suddenly people had options. … And sometimes the little guy was creating a superior product; he just didn’t have the marketing budget to advertise to enough people. …

HuffingtonPost.com click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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3 Easy But Highly Effective Ways To Keep Tabs On Your Business

One of the benefits of the digital age (and the direction it is moving) is the ease with which so many different platforms can easily be connected. Cyfe, for example, is a business dashboard that integrates with everything from Facebook, Google Analytics, Gmail, Shopify, QuickBooks, and EventBrite, to Stripe, Bitly, and dozens upon dozens of other platforms. Think Hootsuite, but for everything.

Medium.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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The Office of the Future — Brought to You by Microsoft

An interview with Microsoft’s director of office envisioning Anton Andrews…

Anton Andrews, wants to flip that equation by answering what he calls his core question: “How do you get people to lean in and do their best work together and collaborate?”

It’s a question that Microsoft has been asking itself for years.

Medium.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Ten Powerful Habits That Will Change Your Life and Career

Having success in life largely depends on the habits that you repeatedly engage in, which ultimately shape your life. …

Your habits will either make or break your existence as it directly affects your source of happiness and success. Some habits are more powerful than others and simply put; your everyday habits determine your attitude and future progress both in life and in your career. The following are ten powerful habits that will improve your life and career direction. …

Forbes.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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7 Counterintuitive Rules for Growing Your Business Super-Fast

Blitzscaling a company isn’t easy; if it were, everyone would do it. Like most things of value in this world, blitzscaling is contrarian. To succeed, you’ll have to violate many of the management “rules” that are designed for efficiency and risk minimization.

Medium.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Dropbox Projects Reveals How Successful Teams Collaborate

Harvard Business Review

We know a lot about how teams collaborate face-to-face, with regard to leadership, communication, conflict resolution, and other areas. But less is known about how groups work together virtually. As more and more collaboration happens in digital settings, it’s critical to understand best practices for working in such spaces.

To address this question, we studied the virtual interactions of research teams at universities around the word on Dropbox, analyzed how the collaborative dynamics related to performance and developed a list of best practices that organizations can use on any file-sharing platform to improve team performance.

HBR.org The Harvard Business Review click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Streamline Your Workflow by Assigning Tasks to Days of the Week

The idea is pretty simple: Rather than shift your focus throughout the day, group together similar tasks so that you can streaming completing them.  … So I might always do one type of task on Mondays and Wednesdays, and another on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Perhaps you reserve all your in-person meetings or site visits for Wednesdays or Fridays. …

LifeHacker.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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The Best Leaders Delegate Outcomes, not activities

When you delegate the outcomes and not the activities, you help employees not just execute for the task at hand, but equip them for every future task after that. You’re giving true ownership to your team.

Signalvnoise.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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The Surprising Power of Simply Asking Coworkers How They’re Doing

When people feel like they belong at work, they are more productive, motivated, engaged and 3.5 times more likely to contribute to their fullest potential, according to our research at the Center for Talent Innovation.  … Our study substantiated existing evidence that exclusion is a growing issue. We found that more than 40% of those we surveyed are feeling physically and emotionally isolated in the workplace.

HBR.com (Harvard Business Review) click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Scalability and Automation – Why it is so crucial for your company

In every incubator, the founders say this sentence about 1000 times a day. “Scaling, scaling, scaling.”  But the smart founders … mean the following: Does your business model still work when you suddenly sell 3000 socks a day instead of 3? It is just one example.  Is your business model practicable if you have to supply significantly more customers?

Medium.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Why We’re Bad at Estimating Time (and What to Do About It)

If you understand the reasons why we tend to underestimate how long tasks will take, you can take steps to avoid the pitfalls of the planning fallacy and start forming more realistic estimates. …

To avoid the negative consequences of underestimating—at both work and in life—you have to make an effort to stop estimating using intuition only. And the best way to do that is to use an estimation technique: an exercise designed to help you form more realistic estimates.

The following six estimation techniques are all designed to help you avoid underestimating when you’re trying to determine how much time a task will take.

Zapier.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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42 Productivity Habits to 10x Your Workflow

I was asked how many productivity tips, tricks, hacks, and tools do I know. And as I began to think through all of the things I have learned, this list was born. …This is my exhaustive list from my own research, experience, and conversations with others. There are bound to be more tips and tricks, and I hope you will share them after this list.

Medium.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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4 Ways Every Business Needs To Use Artificial Intelligence

What makes artificial intelligence systems so powerful is that, unlike purely statistical approaches, they can learn. That allows them to adapt when market behavior changes as well as continually improve performance as more data comes in.

Forbes.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Not All Marketplaces are Created Equal: What a Founder Discovered

The evolution of marketplaces is tied closely to distribution and closing the information asymmetry gap between supply and demand (aka lead generation). Technology and new business models have essentially created transparency of opportunities. The first evolution was moving from traditional brick-and-mortar transactions…

Medium.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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10 In-Depth Strategies to Improve Your Focus and Produce High-Quality Work

Our ability to be selective with our attention is not due to demographics, media consumption, or social media use, but rather it’s the intentional environment that we make for ourselves for when we focus on a task/activity. … there are 10 highly-specific strategies that I incorporate into my work life that have helped me produce high-quality work amidst both digital (i.e. social media) and analog (i.e. meetings) distractions.

Medium.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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4 Things Managers Need To Know About Data

Data has been called the new oil and for good reason. While as recently as a decade ago our ability to use data effectively was limited by technology, today our access is nearly unlimited. New platforms like Hadoop and Spark allow us to analyze hundreds —or even thousands — of databases at once. … Many managers pride themselves on being “data driven,” but that’s a fairly meaningless term. Data, by itself, tells you nothing. That’s why the first thing … to do is ask the right questions, form hypotheses and use data to test them.

Forbes.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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You can’t be productive without routines and rituals & here’s why

We are what we repeatedly do.   According to research, up to 40% of our daily actions are powered by habits–the unconscious actions and routines we’ve developed over time.

FastCompany.com click the link to read the rest of the story.

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The Best Leaders Aren’t Afraid to Ask for Help

As a leader who advocates vulnerability as a strength, I am surprised to realize that I have, somehow, bought into the notion that I need to be super-human and that any weakness diminishes my leadership.  In fact, I see clearly now that it is precisely the opposite. … hiding our weaknesses in an attempt to be strong leaders makes us weak leaders. …

HBR.org click the link to read the rest of the story.

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How to Debate Ideas Productively at Work

Arguing could be a very good thing — perhaps the key to their success —  if they could train people to do it in a healthy way.

Research tells us that cognitive diversity makes a group smarter. Two heads are, indeed, better than one, and many heads are even better, especially when everyone is willing to share their expertise and opinions.

HBR.org click the link to read the rest of the story.

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