The Power of Stilling the Mind – why leaders do it

I have also practiced this discipline for twenty-two days in a row. Honestly, this has been one of the most transformational things I have ever done. …  Here are three of my own reasons for practicing the discipline of stillness:  I want to maintain perspective. If I don’t make time to be still, then I find myself in reactive mode—influenced by hundreds of little voices with big demands. I want to stay connected to my true self. I don’t want to get confused, thinking that I am the image I present to the world. They are related, of course, but I want to live from the inside out. I want more internal margin in my life. While I have been pursing external margin in my calendar and finances, I also want internal margin—more room to notice what matters most and be thankful for it. … How to Practice Stillness… click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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