Top 5 risks innovation is forcing businesses to face

Complying with rapidly accelerating privacy regulations is the top emerging risk faced by organizations globally, even above the talent shortage, according to a Thursday report from Gartner. …”With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) now in effect, executives realize that complying with privacy regulations is more complex and costly than first anticipated,” Matt Shinkman, …

“More budget dollars from IT, legal and information security are going to address GDPR compliance, just as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is set to take effect, adding another layer of complexity for companies to navigate in this area.” click the link to read the rest of the story. Our FREE Tools can help!

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The Office of the Future — Brought to You by Microsoft

An interview with Microsoft’s director of office envisioning Anton Andrews…

Anton Andrews, wants to flip that equation by answering what he calls his core question: “How do you get people to lean in and do their best work together and collaborate?”

It’s a question that Microsoft has been asking itself for years. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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The downsides of buying a new Mac

The hefty price tag is only the beginning of the pain that comes as a result of buying a new Mac.  … The first problem is the hardware selection on offer.  When planning to buy a Windows-based PC, there’s almost no end of options from a wide array of OEMs. Want a certain kind of laptop with a specific screen size and battery life? Chances are good that, with a bit of internet sleuthing, you’ll find one that matches your needs.

When buying from Apple, that’s all different. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Reviewing Everykey – No More Passwords No More Keys

John McAfee has a solution for those that hate passwords and know they need more secure ones.  McAfee’s solution?  It’s called Everykey and it promises to eliminate the need of passwords on your computer, websites but also your car, front-door, etc.  Everykey was launched in 2014 and it received mixed reviews at the time.  But now 5 years later they have released a new version of the firmware and Ingenious Geeks have begun to  test it here for you.  So far, it is impressive!  We have hit a few bumps in the road but it can do some amazing things.

Have you tried the updated version of the Everykey? If so, please let us know your experience.  Ours has been very positive, thus far.  Check back, we will be releasing a full review. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Do you have a unique password for all of your internet accounts?

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Scalability and Automation – Why it is so crucial for your company

In every incubator, the founders say this sentence about 1000 times a day. “Scaling, scaling, scaling.”  But the smart founders … mean the following: Does your business model still work when you suddenly sell 3000 socks a day instead of 3? It is just one example.  Is your business model practicable if you have to supply significantly more customers? click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Chinese Facial Recognition Will Take over the World in 2019

The best facial recognition startups are in China, by a long-shot. As their software is less biased, global adoption is occurring via their software. … A computer system that can track and identify any face anywhere is coming to global citizens. This is because capitalism isn’t regulated, it’s bullish on AI in an exaggerated sense where profits matter and efficiency fits the crime. As Chinese innovation start to get ahead, so too will Chinese ethics infiltrate the rest of the world. … click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Amazon Is Becoming More Powerful Than You Realize

Amazon’s ambition goes far beyond dominating markets, says Stacy Mitchell, an economics researcher and co-director of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance. “Its intention is to control the basic infrastructure that commerce runs on.”  Thus far it’s been smooth sailing for the company … click the link to read the rest of the story.

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The biggest tech trends of 2019, according to top experts

A new paradigm in personal computing is around the corner. That will be helped along by enabling technologies such as 5G networks, which will be stretching far and wide by the end of 2020. And, artificial intelligence will become infused in all kinds of products, allowing gadgets and services to subtly begin to anticipate our wants.

These tectonic shifts are already creating opportunity and chances for innovation. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Are you preparing to take advantage of these new opportunities?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

2019 Cyber Security – What to expect next

During 2019 we expect to see an increase… If a sophisticated attack involves not one but five top-notch threats synergistically working together, the defense panorama could become very blurry. Security experts have a recipe for disaster. …

The purchase of cybersecurity has led to expanding attacks that will become more sophisticated in 2019 and beyond. We will continue to influence societal expectations on security, which will trickle down to companies through hundreds of thousands of vulnerable and easy targets for attackers to profit. Driven by many falling victim to feature misconceptions, more will become key targets. Cyber products that provide consolidated feature sets have a hard time understanding each customer’s specific pain points and the bad guys know this.

In 2019, even more high-profile breaches will push the security and privacy, finally. Security is argued about until we die. That’s a particularly terrifying threat.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

Are you ready to face these threats?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

How I Quit Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon

Going into the experiment, I realized that there was a good chance I’d come crawling back to some of the Big Five services when it was over. Yet as I discovered over the four weeks, switching to independent alternatives didn’t negatively affect most parts of my life, but it did take a little getting used to.

Before diving into the nitty gritty of what worked and what didn’t, however, let me explain the limits of the experiment.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

Are you interested in unplugging from the “Big Five” monopolies?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Cryptocurrency 101 – What it is and why you need to know more

Let’s start with a quick history lesson about bitcoin. Bitcoin was officially unveiled to the public in a white paper published October 31st, 2008. The white paper is actually extremely readable, very short (just 8 pages), and incredibly elegantly written. If you want to understand why bitcoin is so compelling straight from the horse’s mouth, you must read this paper. It will explain everything better than I or anyone else likely ever could.

I won’t delve too much into the technical details of how bitcoin works (which are better elucidated in the white paper), but will instead focus on a broader exploration of its history and implications. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Have you purchased cryptocurrency?  Anything we should know?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Passwords Might (Finally) Go Away Soon, Here is why

There’s hope that we can finally ditch long, complex passwords thanks to a series of regulations and open standards that ease and encourage the implementation of passwordless authentication methods in online applications.

“The vast number of passwords needed in our daily lives have become a burden, which is why we see so many reused or weak static credentials,” says Stina Ehrensvard, CEO and Founder of Yubico, which manufactures physical security keys like the Yubikey 5 NFC. “We needed to think about how to address this problem in a way that simplifies the login process while adding the highest level of security. Up until now, there hasn’t really been a way to do both of those things successfully.” click the link to read the rest of the story.

Are you using or thinking of using a Yubikey?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

What will follow the Bitcoin Bubble?

The paradox about Bitcoin is that it may well turn out to be a genuinely revolutionary breakthrough and at the same time a colossal failure as a currency. As I write, Bitcoin has increased in value by nearly 100,000 percent over the past five years, making a fortune for its early investors but also branding it as a spectacularly unstable payment mechanism. The process for creating new Bitcoins has also turned out to be a staggering energy drain.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

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The Essential 2018 Internet Trends Report

Legendary venture capitalist Mary Meeker  has just released the 2018 version of her famous Internet Trends report. It covers everything from mobile to commerce to the competition between tech giants. Check out the full report below, and we’ll add some highlights soon. Then come back for our slide-by-slide analysis of the 20 most important parts of the 294 page report.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

What was most surprising to you in her report?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Amazon Web Services Reinvented the Internet into a Cash Cow

In the summer of 2003, there was an off-site meeting at Jeff Bezos’s house. We were doing this exercise, looking at what we thought our core competencies were as a company. We started off with fairly obvious things, like we were good at having a lot of selection in retail, and we were good at fulfilling that selection.

But when we looked into it more deeply, we realized that in building Amazon’s consumer business as fast as we had in the first eight years, we’d gotten really good at operating infrastructure services, things like computing and storage and database. And because our retail business was a very low-margin business…  click the link to read the rest of the story.

Will we all work for Amazon in the future?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Internet 100 times faster with ‘Twisted’ fibre optic?

A new development in fibre optics could make internet speeds up to 100 times faster – by detecting light that has been twisted into a spiral. … By twisting light into a spiral, engineers effectively create a third dimension for light to carry information: the level of orbital angular momentum, or spin. “It’s like DNA, if you look at the double helix spiral,” said Min Gu from RMIT University. “The more you can use angular momentum the more information you can carry.”  click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Quantum computers will break the encryption that protects the internet

Encryption has plenty of uses. It defends state secrets, and the corporate sort. It protects financial flows and medical records. And it makes the $2trn e-commerce industry possible. Without it, credit-card details, bank transfers, emails and the like would zip around the internet unprotected, for anyone so minded to see or steal. Nobody, however, is certain that the foundation of all this is sound.  click the link to read the rest of the story.

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How Amazon and Microsoft will battle Google over Android

Amazon and Microsoft are the two companies best suited to go face to face with Google in terms of app ecosystem and native application offerings for Android.  Four or five years ago, this would have been inconceivable. Neither company was in a position to provide compelling applications or store experiences that rivaled what Google had.  But that has changed. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Open Source Intelligence Gathering: The Techniques

One constant throughout my career has been my fascination with what can be learned about an organization from basic public records. The aggregation of a multitude of small pieces of information can paint a picture that is sometimes startling in its completeness. Then some holes can be filled-in with small logical leaps and inferences. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Wi-Fi 6 Is Coming: Here’s Why You Should Care

The improvements with this latest generation of wifi are in two key areas: Raw speed and throughput (if wifi was a highway, we’d be talking about a higher maximum speed limit for vehicles, as well as more lanes to handle more vehicles at once). Wi-Fi 6 will support 8K video streaming… click the link to read the rest of the story.

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A big tech company is working to free the internet from big tech companies

Components of the decentralized web may already be emerging, but they are not ready for prime time. Cloudflare, a company that makes its money by hosting the internet’s contents on far-flung servers and uses algorithms to deliver them to users as fast as possible, wants to help change that. The first step is what the company calls a “gateway,” to which anyone can connect a website and begin serving data stored in a peer-to-peer file-sharing network called the Interplanetary File System(IPFS). click the link to read the rest of the story.

Are you looking for ways to succeed outside of the mega-platforms?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

Radical new plan to upend the World Wide Web by its inventor

Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web … is working on a plan to radically alter how all of us live and work on the web.  “The intent is world domination” … “It’s a historical moment.” Ever since revelations emerged that Facebook had allowed people’s data to be misused by political operatives, Berners-Lee has felt an imperative to get this digital idyll into the real world. …

The difference here is that, on Solid, all the information is under his control. Every bit of data he creates or adds on Solid exists within a Solid pod–which is an acronym for personal online data store. click the link to read the rest of the story.

Would you like a decentralized internet, where you control your own data?Join the conversation on our Facebook Page!

5G is almost here — here’s how everyone’s getting ready

5G is coming, and it’s going to have a massive impact on almost every facet of how we use technology, with faster speeds and lower latency theoretically opening up huge new frontiers in everything from smartphones to self-driving cars.  But the future of mobile networks isn’t here yet. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Why a Leading Venture Capitalist Is Betting on a Decentralized Internet

Today the internet is much more like Disneyland. If I’m building a restaurant in Disneyland and Disneyland thinks I’m making too much money, they may raise the rent or change the rules.  That’s what building on Facebook or Google and Apple is right now. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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Amazon and Walmart’s rivalry: how we’ll buy everything

For Walmart to compete going forward, Hetu says, it needs to invest in how it thinks people will want to shop in the future. “Walmart believes today is that in order to be relevant in the future, they have to get the technology — the relationship with the consumer through technology — into their physical environment,” he says. click the link to read the rest of the story.

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The Untold Story of How GoPro’s CEO Lost His Way

Nick Woodman: What I’ve Learned

Simpler is better
“As an individual, how you organize your day affects your productivity. As a company, how you organize your teams and your communication affects your efficiency. What we did was, we structured ourselves as a much bigger business. But complexity breeds complexity, and we learned that when the organization is structured that way, you’re not as nimble. click the link to read the rest of the story?

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Google now has a Cybersecurity Company, Chronicle

Chronicle will initially offer two services: The VirusTotal anti-malware intelligence service, and a cybersecurity intelligence and analytics platform. click the link to read the rest of the story?

What do you think of Google’s entry into the world of Cyber Security offerings?
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Invisible threats to old-school endpoint protection software

Fileless security threats—also known as “non-malware” attacks—leverage RAM, the Windows system registry, and even PowerShell and the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) module to kick off multi step “attack chains.” click the link to read the rest of the story?

How are you dealing with file-less attacks?
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